Founded in 1939, Mitchell’s’ Chocolates resides in a 1920s building that sits in a trendy part of Cleveland with five large windows to showcase their delicious hand-crafted product. The western-facing facade left the afternoons full of sun – and lots of heat – that melted their fine chocolates. Pulling the blinds often left afternoon and evening customers thinking the store was closed for the day.
Mitchell’s Chocolates’ 4,800-square-foot building in Cleveland,
Ohio contains a beautiful amenity: five large floor length windows that serve as billboards for the business.
Prior to the window film installation, the shop’s energy-efficiency
makeover included new lighting technology, a lighter collection
of awnings, and HVAC upgrades to the tune of a 10-ton roof unit
along with two smaller satellite units for packing and production
areas. However, the full advantages of these upgrades would
not be realized unless something was done to address the heat
transmitted through the giant west-facing windows.
3M™ Prestige Series Films use non-metallized, multilayer
optical film and nanotechnology to achieve what other
films simply can’t:
The window film allows passersby to see inside the store which
encourages increased foot traffic and sales. “It was a very different situation prior to the window film installation. Some people didn’t realize we were open because we had to draw the blinds in the afternoon due to heat from sun.”
Now, his artisan chocolates are safe from the afternoon sun, sales are higher, and energy costs are lower.
— Yvonne Mair
Challenge: Retain the benefits of natural light while reducing
the amount of heat generated that melts product.
Product Selection: 3M™ Sun Control Window Film Prestige Exterior 70
Benefits: Sales have doubled during slow summer months since there is no longer a need to pull blinds in the afternoon. Customers realize the store is open.
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